Thursday, May 30, 2013

According to NSC Data, New Jersey is Safest State

Is it possible that New Jersey is the country’s safest state? The answer is a surprising yes, according to the latest data published by the National Safety Council (NSC). New Jersey has the lowest rate of injury-caused deaths of any state in the nation. As reported by, Kenneth Kolosh, NSC statistics manager, said that it was about time that New Jersey came in first. 

Across the nation, the majority of injuries have three causes:
  • Vehicle crashes
  • Poisonings – alcohol and drug overdoses fall into this category
  • Falls
For each of these causes there are reasons why New Jersey’s numbers are lower. They include the following:
  • Motorists in New Jersey spend a great deal of time on congested highways with lower speed limits. The slower rate of speed means less chance of injury-related fatalities. Vehicle crashes are still the state’s leading cause of injury-related deaths, but the death rate in New Jersey is one-third of that in states, such as North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana, which are more rural.
  • The most dominant factor in the poisoning category is the abuse of prescribed pain medications like Oxycontin. Abuse of prescription drugs is a problem in New Jersey, but other states have more problems with abuse.
  • New Jersey residents do have their share of falls, but not as many as residents of other states. The number of falls is largely driven by age. More falls occur in states with older populations. Also, New Jersey has several programs targeted at preventing seniors from suffering falling injuries.
If you or a loved one has been involved in an injury-causing accident that was the fault of someone else, financial compensation may be available to you for your losses. Another’s negligence may have caused your fall, or a driver’s carelessness may have caused you to be injured in a crash. Our experienced New Jersey personal injury attorneys at Lependorf & Silverstein offer free case evaluations. Please call us at (609) 240-0040 to find out how we can help.

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