Thursday, September 20, 2012

When Choosing a Child Safety Seat, Consider Side-Impact Crash Risks

Child safety seats are key to protecting the health and safety of children when a car accident occurs. When you’re choosing a child safety seat for a child in your care, it’s important to consider the various types of accidents that may occur – not only front-end crashes, but side-impact and rollover accidents at well.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What Factors Put You at Risk for a Rollover Crash?

Of all the types of auto accidents that a driver can experience, a rollover is perhaps the worst possibility. During a rollover crash, occupants are thrashed around inside the vehicle unlike any other form of accident, slamming into everything they can touch while being pelted with flying debris. Should an occupant not be wearing a seatbelt, he or she can easily be ejected from the vehicle, slamming into whatever may be nearby or possibly being run over by their own vehicle.